What do I eat?
First of all I eat what is right for me.
I eat what I enjoy and what makes me feel great!
I do not follow any one dietary philosophy as that is too restrictive for me.
Rather I embrace them all and choose on a weekly and daily basis according to what I feel like eating.
The one key theme I would say about my eating is that I eat (and drink) primarily plant based (wine is plant based – right?) and I include a very small amount of fish, chicken and dairy when I feel like it.
And I do indulge – sometimes and occasionally!
One Man’s Meat is Another Man’s Poison!
We are all different; every one of us is a unique individual. So ‘one size fits all’ certainly does not work when it comes to something as important as eating.
We all need to eat what is right for us. This takes time, tuning in and experimenting to find out just what that looks like for you!