My Top 5 Reasons Why You Need To Eat Corn
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I’m tired and frustrated with the number of people who have been told to stop eating corn
Why? Is all I want to know
Because what I know about corn is that it is incredibly healthy for you
I can only imagine that they got the vegetable corn confused with a highly processed form of corn called high fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
Well despite it having corn in the name, it is NOTHING like a lovely cob of corn that has come straight off the plant – NOTHING
- HFCS is corn that has been seriously messed around with
- HFCS doesn’t qualify to be sold in any fruit and vegetable shop
- HFCS isn’t even made in Australia
- And HFCS isn’t used in food production in Australia – however it is in America. And if you google anything to do with food, chances are you will get info about the American food supply, which is VERY different to our food supply here in Australia!
- HFCS is often made from genetically modified (GM) corn. We don’t even have GM corn here in Australia!
So back to corn, and more importantly why you NEED to be eating it…
- It is a vegetable – and all vegetables are incredibly healthy. Yes, even the humble potato! Well, perhaps not the way most people eat them which is as chips, fries or crisps!!! (i.e. messed around with – hearing a common theme here?!)
- It is a low GI carbohydrate food. Which means it is very slowly broken down as it is turned into energy, keeping you full while it does so
- It is an excellent source of all 3 types of fibre, meaning it includes resistant starch which feeds your gut microbiome, keeping you EXTRA healthy! BTW because it is so high in fibre, if you don’t chew it properly, it will come out the same way it went in…if you know what I mean!!
- It is an excellent source of 2 very important antioxidants called lutein + zeaxanthin, which can look after your eyesight as they reduce your risk of macular degeneration (this is a big issue for ageing Aussies)
- It tastes deeeelicious! Actually this should have gone as number one 🙂 Corn is juicy and sweet and just damn yummy. So eat it!!
So next time someone tells you not to eat corn, ask where their nutritional credentials come from
I have a feeling they may say ‘google’!