Breakfast Cookies
Well you don’t just have to save them for breakfast
You can eat them any time you like, of course
Its just that I have been getting a lot of requests for breakfast ideas lately
Especially from clients who are time-poor in the morning
So I decided to create something fun, delicious and portable
Ta da…
Every week clients still ask me if they need to eat breakfast
But you don’t have to “eat breakfast like a king”
Or tip something crunchy out of a box
Just have something – like perhaps one of these 🙂
Why? I hear you say. Well….
Breakfast “breaks” the overnight “fast” – the (hopefully, at least) 12 hours since you last ate
It wakes up your metabolism and gets it going, it fuels your brain and muscles ready for the day ahead
And it stops you from getting super-hungry later in the day – or later in the evening – and wanting to devour everything you can get your hands on – healthy or unhealthy!
What to eat? How about one of these…
But seriously, its really up to you what you choose
And here are some guidelines to help…
Your breakfast should include healthy, low GI carbohydrates cause they provide your body and brain with energy
And a protein source, which helps to keep hunger at bay – and NO I am not suggesting you eat steak for breakfast – ewww!
Or use highly processed protein powders that you need to mortgage your house to buy
Protein is in dairy, eggs, baked beans (and other legumes) as well as nuts and seeds
And its always a good idea to include some fruit or veggies
So I think I’ve got the requirements nicely covered in these very yummy, crunchy but slightly chewy cookies
What do you think? Do let me know 🙂

made with low GI oats, protein packed walnuts, seeds and peanut butter along with some dried fruit…sorted!
- 1 cup whole rolled oats
- 1 tablespoon flour, I used buckwheat
- ¼ cup walnuts, roughly broken
- ¼ cup sunflower seeds
- ¼ cup pumpkin seeds
- ¼ cup sesame seeds
- ¼ cup linseeds
- ¼ cup raisins or dried cranberries
- ⅓ cup (120 grams) honey or maple syrup
- ⅓ cup (85 grams) peanut butter or tahini
- 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
- Heat your oven to 160 C and line a baking tray with greaseproof paper.
- Place oats, flour, walnuts, seeds and raisins in a bowl and mix together.
- Mix the honey, peanut butter and vanilla together in a separate bowl.
- Pour the dry ingredients into the wet and mix together until well combined
- Use a soup spoon to scoop out evenly sized lumps of cookie mix onto the baking tray.
- Using damp, clean fingers, press down gently to the shape you want as these cookies won’t spread.
- Bake for 20 minutes.
- When cooled, store in an airtight glass jar