Why aren’t I losing weight?
Why aren’t I losing weight?
I’ve cut out carbs, I’m working out and my trainer has me drinking protein shakes after each session, but I am actually putting on weight. Why is that?
Just cutting out carbs will not guarantee weight loss and can actually be harmful for your health long term
In most cases it is dangerous to cut out healthy, whole foods and especially if you replace them with a protein shake which contains ????? – have you ever read the label? YIKES!!
Protein shakes have calories too! And it is much easier to drink calories than eat them. You can read more about that here
Don’t fear carbs, your body needs them for energy and for your brain to work properly
You need a good understanding of the right types of carbs to eat and how much YOUR body needs
Oh, and don’t go on a diet – just eat sensibly every day (trust me you know enough about food and nutrition to do this, but if you are really confused, book in to see someone with a qualification who can help you sort it out)!
More on low carb diets…from the Huff Post….
“They found that those following diets high in animal protein that included red and processed meats and a high percentage of animal fat (as opposed to fats from vegetable sources) were almost 75 percent more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes”