Saturated Fat or Sugar – which is worse?
Gosh, if I had a dollar for every time I got asked this….
The answer is not that simple, but my simplest explanation is this…
Everything is okay in moderation – even moderation!
Saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of heart disease (read the link below, it will explain) so if you have raised LDL cholesterol, low HDL and raised triglycerides you need to limit your saturated fat intake – and also beware of trans fats.
A high saturated fat intake can also increase your risk of diabetes and certain cancers. But a moderate intake won’t! If you want to know which foods contain saturated fat and trans fats this is a great sheet from Baker IDI institute.
Too much sugar is not great for your body either, but usually it comes in the form of processed foods. That way a lot of it is ‘hidden’. So avoid processed foods as best as you can and you will avoid hidden sugar. Now if you have high sugar levels in your blood or diabetes you also need to be mindful of GI and portion sizes – but you are best to see a dietitian who can help sort that one out specifically for you!
Hopefully that answers the question for you. But if you would like to know more, please read on…